Effective Communication Skill Comes from Understanding People

As a mum, my communication skill has been keenly developed by my interaction with my children. Any parent of an adolescent will understand the pain of being challenged by this young, soon to be adult, flexing their new found ability to exert their independence. How you – the adult – responds and communicates to this child can effect their self esteem, their willingness to ‘obey’ or follow through on an agreement and ultimately effects the harmony within the family unit.

What I learned

Having two boys reared in the same environment from the same family genes – yet the ‘different’ way I had to communicate with each of them, was a constant marvel.

I’m sure you have seen it in others.

Two brothers like cheese and chalk.

They simply had different personalities.

Different Personality Types Learning the different type of personalities can make a huge impact on your communication skill level, no matter what type of home based business you operate.

However, I have noticed that this is accentuated within the Network Marketing environment – if there is a LACK of understanding around personality types you REALLY end up with a LOT of confusion which dilutes your effective communication.

Here is why:

The ‘big shot’ heavy hitter, money earner comes to town. He tells you there is only one way to build your business – his way, after all look at the proof. Right?

So you, go out and try and talk to the other mums at the Parent & Teachers meeting using ‘his style/ way’ BUT you don’t get the same reaction as Mr HotShot said you would.

You then ‘THINK’ there is something wrong with you and you start to become confused, frustrated and discouraged. 

Here is the good news

When you take the time to learn and understand personality types you will learn to communicate in a different way with ‘each person’ you meet.

As your communication skill develops, guess what? You now start to have more success then you had in the past AND you actually ‘feel good’ about yourself and your business.

As a result, your business really starts to take off and it now ‘feels easy’.

Learning about Personality Types

You can find a LOT of techno babble around personality types like the Myer-Briggs test, the Sanguine or Melancholy personality.

That is WAY too technical for me. I like it plain and simple.

So let’s explore these personality types so you can go out and IMPLEMENT these new skills straight away – even with your family (wink). 

Listen to Communication Skills Podcast here 

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