How to Develop a Residual Income
Using Someone Else's Product

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I often get asked, Delmae how did you develop residual income? Can you please tell me what is your home business? Sure, no problem, I'd be delighted to...and thanks for asking.

Every day I am so grateful that I put in the effort years ago to create and develop a homebased business that continues to pay me a passive or residual income week in, week out. A result of a good solid customer base and team work.

97% speak money away from them… The other 3% are wooing it to them.

It would be great if EVERYONE could have what I have, however the mass-mind (the majority of people) have been programmed by the system to believe that there are shortages, lack, and that uncertainty, struggle is normal. Each of us are on our own journey. We make our own choices. Have our own beliefs about how things ‘should be’.

This website is all about my home based business journey and

what has worked for me. If my journey can help you in your journey, all the better. It is also about understanding what works when you want residual income. The way you 'think' makes the difference. The NEW NORMAL. 

Developing Residual Income

Using someone else's products is the ultimate in leverage. Particularly a product that automatically gets reordered month in month out. THAT is powerful.

Have you ever considered how much time, effort and money goes into developing a product? Most of us firstly, don't have the money to back us in developing a product nor do we have the knowledge and skills to do so.

However, these days it is so easy to tap into other peoples products, particularly when they handle, what I call the tough part of business. I'd much rather have them have their money tied up in inventory then mine! Then on top of that, have them ship the products to YOUR customers every month for you as well.

So if you don't have to deal with stock, inventory or actually handle the product...this makes it ideal for the homebased business owner. It simply leaves you with marketing or spreading the word.

Leverage Your Time

This is another important aspect of developing a residual or passive income.

The only way each of us can succeed in any business is through helping others solve problems. A fundamental Bill Gates uses (or any other big business uses) is using 'other peoples time'.

You can do this by developing or finding a network of people who ‘think alike’ and who are willing to cheer each other to prosperity working towards a similar goal. People helping people.

It was this that attracted me in the first place.

The vision of one man.

A world-renowned scientist who had climbed to the heights of his career. Earned tens of millions of dollars as a result of his breakthrough innovations, and received some of the highest accolades for his contribution to medical science.

Suddenly he decided to risk his reputation and finances to start a new venture in a competitive market (at about age 50) when he could be travelling the world on his yacht, and enjoying the fruits of his labour for the remainder of his life.

His compassion was so strong for man-kind:

  • he couldn't sit by idly and watch people suffer as a result of a growing problem, which prematurely claimed the lives of both his parents, and for which there just didn't seem to be an effective solution available at the time;
  • he possessed unique, specialised knowledge which could be applied to develop a new breed of health-related products to meet the demands of the human body in these modern times and benefit humankind beyond anything he has ever accomplished in his illustrious career;
  • he is a 'misfit' (perhaps) - Someone who thinks big, outside the box.
Today, more and more people are suffering or dying prematurely from degenerative diseases than ever before. 

Many of these diseases are man-made.

This is mostly the result of modern lifestyles and the accompanying risk factors, including increasing levels of toxins in our environment, over-processing of foods, and higher stress levels, to name a few.

The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to belie

The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.”

- Richard M. DeVos

So, early in 1992, a new company was born, a company with a mission to improve the quality of life for everyone who wished to embrace its guiding principles.

With over a decade of success, this company has established itself as a leader and has shown that it is distinctively different than any other company in its industry. 


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